DMHS is headed into the school year like a group of turtles, slowly and cautiously. (And late.) We started the first few days of school with community building in advisement and a "virtual trip" to make up for our famous fall trips that we can't attend this year. We made Play Doh sculptures, played games, and went on a scavenger hunt! Now, we are starting the first quarter of academic classes and settling into the school routine.
But before we immerse ourselves completely in school, here’s a glimpse of how some of our students spent their summers!
Helena Eddy, 10th Grade
During summer vacation I took a trip to Terrell, Texas and saved a cat. We had just gotten to the hotel and my mom had found a small tabby kitten in the parking lot. We cleaned and fed the kitten and had it stay the night with us in the hotel room. The next morning we took it to the front desk and asked if the hotel could call animal control to see if they could pick it up. Instead, the man at the front desk decided to take the cat home. In a matter of 12 hours just arriving in a new state we had saved and rehomed a small kitten!
Anuar Saenz-Quinonez, 8th Grade
Even though this summer was a little different than other summers it was still pretty decent. One of the more exciting things I got to do this summer was going to the dirt bike ramps at Ruby Hill with my friend Hector. It was really fun because we went on the big ramps which are like 6 feet tall and somehow we didn't end up dead so yeah it was fun! One of the tiring parts of the ramps is that some of the ramps are on a hill so you have to to the top of the hill every time you wanted to do the ramps and after you do that for about 2 hours it's pretty exhausting and energy-draining but we still managed to do most of them. The only ones we didn't do were the xl courses because those are for pros and they are really hard because they have so many ramps and curves that you practically have to be an expert. The best part of the ramps was when I got to see Hector fall off his bike after going too fast on one of the sharp curves.
This is the bike park I visited |
Max Logan, 12th Grade
This past summer has been weird for everyone, and a lot of people have taken that as an opportunity to do things they’d never done before. I’m Max, a senior here at DMHS, and while some have chosen to spend their quarantine summer being productive, I had a slightly different idea. I didn’t do anything revolutionary or exceptionally impressive but this summer I did sew some clothes and read sixteen books. I also started playing Dungeons and Dragons, so make of that what you will. All in all, this summer has been quite the break before starting senior year and I’m excited to start back up with all of our incredible guides for the 2020-21 school year!

Ian Wood, 8th Grade
During our summer, my older brother Drew and I went to help out at a day camp at Glen Eyrie. Every day for three weeks we would set up a 20 foot tall inflatable water slide and three smaller inflatable obstacle courses, and take them down at the end of the day. When we set them up, we anchored the inflatables down with 85 pound bags of water that took two people to carry. It was hard work but we had fun! The glen was beautiful and we had a fun time chasing turkeys.

Katie Aron, 7th Grade
This summer I went hiking in Winter Park. I did a couple of camps at the Y. I went to see two sets of my grandparents and did a road trip. I also saw my first drive-in movie! In August I played with my neighbors and drew. The day before school started I cut my hair off to donate to Wigs for Kids. It was fourteen inches long!